Institutional Strengthening of P&D Board and Capacity Building of Public Sector Employees

Planning & Development Board being the principal planning organization at the provincial level must have the technical capability to be able to deliver on the rising challenges due to the evolved crises situation after Covid-19. The situation demands to promote regular teleworking and to modify operations, policies for the new reality, support employees through remote, surge situations and ensure stakeholders access to information and services as operations change, while the Board is lacking the technical expertise of individuals, modern equipment and logistic support to process, coordinate and monitor complex initiatives along pandemic situations. As a result, moving the frontiers of sustainable development, joint solutions involves difficult trade-offs just when need raises for digital communication channels to deliver technically richen policy framework, designs, coordination and remote monitoring.

Whereas, capacity building component is meant to improve the performance, delivery mechanism and efficiency of government of the Punjab. Government of the Punjab is facing various challenges in implementing development interventions and delivering quality services to the citizens.  PRMPU promotes capacity building for development to ensure sustainability and economic growth. In order to meet the emerging challenges and to ensure sustainability of reforms, it is nonetheless, imperative that capacity of the officers is enhanced to perform such tasks. Punjab Government departments have primary responsibility for service delivery, the provincial government needs to adjust to perform their roles in a proficient manner, which requires them to acquire up-to-date skills & competencies. This will not only improve the issues at hand but will bear fruitful results in the near future and long term as well. This scheme will support vertical coherence and integration across government departments. It will create explicit institutional links between sustainable development strategies and processes in order to improve efficacy.

This project aims to achieve following objectives:

  • Institutional building of Punjab Government departments through improvement in skills set of human resources in cutting edge professional areas to implement complex programs/projects in Punjab.
  • Building capabilities of Punjab Government officers to successfully plan, implement, monitor and achieve the intended outcomes from public sector investment.
  • Improving public service delivery in Punjab through efficient and improved institutional capacity of P&D Board to enhance coherence, coordination and monitoring of development interventions on sustainable basis.
  • To meld local knowledge with external resources and expertise to address real capacity gaps on the ground to ensure that intended outcome can be measurably and sustainably enhanced.
  • To perform organizational assessment and develop score cards for capacity building & HR related indexes.